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November 15, 2022           ASC Staff


"Let's Pretend I'm Talking About You"

a film written and directed by Daniel Pradilla De Bedout

Sometimes you are witnessing, seeing, or living something special, and you know it. And this is exactly what I felt when I saw this short film for the first time; a shiver ran through my whole body, and at that moment, I knew I was watching something extraordinary. Let's Pretend I'm Talking About You is the latest short film from the brilliant work of director Daniel Pradilla De Bedout. Its synopsis is as follows; Sebastian, a sommelier, decides to spend a weekend in the woods in the company of a strange woman. Memories of a previous relationship constantly invade Sebastian and jeopardise what appears to be the perfect encounter. As conversations occur, the identity of the strange woman is revealed, and her connection with Sebastian's past is disclosed. It isn't easy to highlight anything about this short film because everything is simply brilliant, from its idea to its performances; everything works as a perfect mechanism that Pradilla De Bedout manages to mesh perfectly for us to enjoy what is one of the best short films of the year. The subtlety with which the director can transmit this story is brilliant; through a minimalist style, he manages to touch the necessary keys to share all that he is looking for, and he does it by taking advantage of all the resources that cinema puts at his disposal. The use of editing to show the characters' state of mind stands out, and its use is quite innovative, and we have seen it in very few works. An example is Madre by Rodrigo Sorogoyen. It's not surprise the short film has garnered so many awards, and more are yet to come; its director has achieved one of the most exciting pieces of the year, thanks to a team that has been outstanding in every department. We hope to see the feature film soon.


-American Cinematographer*

*American Cinematographer is a magazine published by the American Society of Cinematographers. 

The American Society of Cinematographers


Sin YO, no hay TOYOTA.


Creando Arte,
Encontrando Empoderamiento

El cineasta Mexicano Daniel Pradilla De Bedout
cree en el poder para contar historias. 

De la naturaleza, o la historia y seres amados, la inspiración artística puede surgir de todos lados, el mundo está lleno de historias esperando ser contadas. 

¿La parte difícil? Darle vida a estas historias. Para el cineasta México-Colombiano Daniel Pradilla De Bedout, esto comenzó con una vieja cámara que sus padres le obsequiaron. Hasta este día, como hace tantos años, todas esas cámaras y equipo de filmación le brindan a Daniel algo más que apoyo técnico. Le ofrecen la libertad de explorar posibilidades infinitas y crear un arte sincero que le permite decir “Este soy yo.”

En colaboración con el Hola México Film Festival-2023, Toyota está orgulloso de empoderar a conductores como Daniel a perseguir sin miedo sus sueños y aceptar los efectos positivos de aquellos que lo rodean. 


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